The Holy Spirit's Promise
Feature Article

Jesus gave the Believer the wonderful promise of being filled with the Holy Spirit. Ask for more of His Presence in your life. Give everything you are to Him. Be desperate, be hungry, be surrendered to Him. If you aren't then ask Him to bring these attributes as well to you.
Those that ask will receive.
Here are some powerful scriptures that will create spiritual hunger for more His Presence in your life.
Please read the following: (Hover over the verse or lighty touch if using a touch screen device)
He is as close to you now as the air you breathe. Pray this simple prayer :
Father in Heaven, you sent Jesus Christ as Savior into the world. You also promised to fill me, baptize me and immerse me into the Holy Spirit. I have received salvation and forgiveness of sins through faith in the blood of Your Son Jesus. Now Father, I ask that you would fill my life with a greater measure of the Holy Spirit's Presence. I ask that you would release those rivers of life that Jesus spoke of in the scriptures. I surrender myself to you now. I thank you for hearing my prayer. I will not let this prayer fade away until this experience becomes a reality in my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Now, I encourage you to spend time with Him in worship. Do this for hours at a time. Yield your mind, emotions, body and spirit to Him. Release the words that the Holy Spirit gives to you back to Him. The more time you spend with Him the more you will be saturated with His Presence.
I release you into His Presence now, in Jesus' Name.
Col 2:9 For in him (Christ) the whole fullness of God lives in bodily form..
Col 2:10 And you have been brought to fullness in him(Christ), who is the head of every ruler and authority.
The Holy Spirit is sent forth to live within the Believer:
Embrace, Seek for, Ask for and Walk in the Fullness of the Holy Spirit.
He is Your Inheritance.
Blessings..Keith and LaQueta Paul