Prophetic Word - the week of Dec 23, 2024
Purpose of Prophecy:
1 Cor. 14:3 ..... the person who prophesies speaks to people for their up building, encouragement, and comfort. (As a ministry gift given by the Holy Spirit, prophecy brings revelation, discernment, understanding, direction and wisdom. It may also release strategic predictive declarations that call events and spiritual foundations into God given alignment.) By His grace and mercy we endeavor to be His ambassadors to the nations. 1 Cor 13:9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part
Scriptures that support this prophecy:
Rom 8:31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?
Rom 8:32 He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?
This is what I hear the Lord Jesus saying :
The Gift:
I Am the gift that never ends. I willingly purchased your Redemption and laid down My life for yours. This gift of salvation, restoration and renewal is eternal for all that place their faith in Me. I Am pleased with your expressions of faith and trust in Me. Remember, God is for you not against you. My Spirit lives within you and gives you reason to celebrate the season of Christmas. I release My joy into your heart and declare that My goodness and mercy shall rest upon you every day. Guard your heart with diligence. Stay close to Me as we walk forward into the New Year. Amen.
Celebrating His birth, death, ascension and His coming again.
We take this opportunity to say, Merry Christmas and the very best of God in 2025. Thank you for the opportunity you give us to share in a part of your life's journey with God.
Blessings... Keith and LaQueta Paul
of restorationplaceministries
Additional Words of Knowledge for those reading:
I see the Lord healing someone with neck pain and upper shoulder muscle stress. I command this condition to leave you now in the authority of Jesus' Name.
Someone is being healed of a sinus, throat and chest infection. I command this virus to die now and all inflammation and congestion to leave you. I call forth complete healing in Jesus' Name.
Someone reading this has a headache and you are being healed now. Pain is leaving you, even as you read this. Receive your healing now in Jesus' Name.
Someone reading this feels alone and detached. I release healing over your emotions and spirit. Invite Him into this area of your life. He alone can minister to the deeper longings and needs of your spirit.
He will meet you and fulfill all that you are longing for in your life.
Confidence from the Lord is being released over several people who have fears and concerns about what they might encounter in the new year. Take each day as it comes for the Lord is walking with you. He will and does work all things together for good for those who walk according to the Spirit. Amen. Receive His peace now... in Jesus' Name.
Wisdom from the Lord is being imparted over Business Owners and Ministry Leaders. The Proverbs passage (Prov 3: 3,4,5) remains an anchor that will keep you and prosper you as you integrate His wisdom into you plans. Trust in the Lord with all your heart is foundational in walking with the Lord.
A fresh anointing is rising within the people of God. This anointing will manifest in many ways as the new year unfolds. God will bless His people. Amen. We walk with an Awesome God who is faithful to do all He has promised.
And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.Matt. 21:22 (ESV)
Much Love.. Keith and LaQueta Paul
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