Prophetic Word - the week of Jan 6, 2025
Purpose of Prophecy:
1 Cor. 14:3 ..... the person who prophesies speaks to people for their up building, encouragement, and comfort. (As a ministry gift given by the Holy Spirit, prophecy brings revelation, discernment, understanding, direction and wisdom. It may also release strategic predictive declarations that call events and spiritual foundations into God given alignment.) By His grace and mercy we endeavor to be His ambassadors to the nations. 1 Cor 13:9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part
Scriptures that support this prophecy:
Matthew 28:20 And behold, I Am with you always, to the end of the age.
Re: the word always. It is a joining of the 2 words pas and hemera in Greek.
The Greek word (Pas) for all = all, any, every, the whole
and joined with the Greek word (hemera) = age, day by day, forever.
Always therefore means at all times forever.
I Am is used numerous times in both the O. T. And the New.
Exodus 3:14 – Tell them I Am that I Am has sent you
Isaiah 43:6 - I Am the light, Isaiah 44:6-8 - I Am the First and the Last.
John 14:6 - I Am the way, the truth and the life.
John 14:18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.
John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever,
John 14:17 even the Spirit of truth.
This is what I hear the Lord Jesus saying :
To The End of the Age:
My friend, I Am leading you back to the simplicity of My Word. I Am with you always even to the end of the age. I Am the eternal, ever existing One and I Am with you at all times forever. I ask you to pause and ask Me to show you how this truth applies to your life and your journey. I have no limitations as your God but you do have limitations as I look upon you.
Allow Me to use a parable today. I Am offering you an upgrade that will change your perspective, your day by day living and what you can accomplish for My glory. The URL link for this upgrade is @ Hebrews 11:6. Download this truth into your spirit and start using this application. The App comes with an Activation Key – f.a.i.t.h - that will allow you to fully access all its features. I Am both the Re-warder and the Reward to those who apply this to their lives.
Be certain the End of this Age is coming. Darkness will come upon those who reject the Light. In contrast, you will finish well, if you fully integrate I Am into every aspect of your life. In Me, there is potential, promise, power, provision and Presence. I declare break through over everything that constrains your relationship with Me even until the End. Live ready. Amen.
Additional Words of Knowledge for those reading:
I see someone who has a hip condition.... pain in the hip socket, inflammation, restricted movement. I take authority over this affliction in the authority of Jesus' Name and command it to leave you. I release healing and command all damage to be reversed. A warm sensation is being released now into this hip as confirmation that you are being healed.
I see someone else who suffers with pain in your lower back. One of your legs appears to be shorter than the other but it is actually your back muscles that have pulled your hip out of proper alignment. You have worn special footwear with a thicker heel and sole on one side to compensate for this misalignment. I command this tension in the muscles to leave now and your hips to move back into proper alignment. Stand up and bend over a few times, so those muscles can re-calibrate. The Holy Spirit is giving you a supernatural adjustment. Be healed and set free now from this condition. I command this condition to never return to you. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
I see a woman who sustained a deep burn on your hand while cooking. I release healing and restoration over your hand now.. in Jesus' Name. This burn will heal over rapidly, dead and damaged skin flake off and pain will leave you.
I see a man reading this who is dealing with a lot of stress from the work site. I release the peace of God that goes beyond understanding into you. I release wisdom from the Lord as well so you are equipped to resolve the constant issues that pass over your desk. Receive the grace of God now... in Jesus' Name.
I see the Lord healing someone who needs inner healing / restoration in their emotions. Life has not been easy for you and you have been wounded. I release the tangible love, mercy and healing of Jesus over you, so that you are brought forward into wholeness of being. His Love is being poured over you now. Receive it, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.Matt. 21:22 (ESV)
Much Love.. Keith and LaQueta Paul
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