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K and L Paul

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Supernatural Encounters with God

There are many portals into the supernatural and many have accessed them.
In this article I want to address the “how” to this very intriguing opportunity. For those who want to be taken out of the grid of what they have experienced in their relationship with God this article will contribute to discovering a new realm that is available for you.
Let me jump right into this subject because I am limited by space editorially in this article. You may ask, How can I experience spiritual intimate encounters with the Lord and His Kingdom? Let me lay this foundation for you so you are positioned to receive from God. These are not in a set order but need to be in place in your relationship with God.

**Come to the Lord often to worship Him. Spend time there. Don’t
rush. Let the Holy Spirit lead you in this time of communion. This is
not about bringing prayer lists before Him but about spending time
with Him. Get past all the distractions that we are prone to in the
mind. Distractions in the mind will subside and you will feel His peace
fill your mind.
**As I sense worship rising in my spirit, I yield to that. I speak or softly
sing in the spirit. Often soft worship playing in the room will set the
spiritual atmosphere. This is about ministering to Him not about
getting something from Him. This is about love and expressing that
love to Him. He is looking for lovers and you can be one by
expressing that devotion to Him.
** While in His presence I usually have my Bible close at hand
because He may bring a passage to mind or lead me to one that He
wants to communicate to me about. I follow Him there and receive
what He is saying. He may show you sinfulness and when He does
Deal with it. Be vulnerable. Drop your guards and let Him examine
you. His blood will wash it away immediately if you confess this to
Him. Other times He will reveal something that you never saw in
those scriptures before.
** Be receptive. He uses the same faculties of communication that
you use in the natural. Hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, touching. I
have experienced God’s presence or what He is communicating on
all these levels. If you read the scriptures carefully you will see the
precedents there in the experiences of God’s people as they
encounter God.
**As you position yourself before the Presence of the Lord in this manner The Holy Spirit will download prophetic encounters on you.
Keith and LaQueta Paul have many years of ministry experience. Keith is an author. They are used in the gift of prophecy, dream interpretation and words of knowledge which are gifts of the Holy Spirit. They currently live in Guelph, Ontario. Canada. They have travelled internationally promoting the supernatural teachings and works of the Holy Spirit. They have mentored many young people in how to live a supernatural lifestyle. To learn more, and to receive their free Prophetic Words, Dream Interpretation or purchase their E Books please explore their website. They are available for ministry at your church or conference.
Supernatural Encounters with God : Keith A. Paul Permissions granted for copy Text. Website Layout all rights reserved.