by Keith A. Paul
One of the most foremost questions arising from audiences today concerns the methods that God uses to speak personally. How does God speak to us today? Often, I have heard the frustration in the voices of those who genuinely want to know the answer to this question because they have come to a plateau in their spiritual journey with God. Prophetic Seers
often feel like they have hit a wall or barrier and can not seem to move into a deeper relationship with God. The majority want that deeper relationship but do not want to fall into superstition or delve into questionable occult methods. This article will summarize what I have found in my search to answer that question.
Each of the following 15 methods of communication that God uses could be expanded much further. With your permission, I leave this summary list with you and encourage you to do further research and study of these main points. These main points are meant to be much like a diving board that will help you dive into the deeper waters of His Presence. This summary will help anyone and specifically the "budding" prophet to broaden their awareness and prophetic anointing. If we understand how God speaks we will see an increase in prophetic power flowing through our lives. We are often prone to becoming fixated on one or two channels of communication to the exclusion of other methods. This creates the dilemma that people are feeling in today's world. Your prophetic gift and effectiveness will benefit greatly, if you jot this list down and then began to watch God speak to you on a greater level.
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Divine Communication will come to you:
1. Via God's Written Word
in the Holy Scriptures. This is the primary way by which God speaks. His word also provides us with a safe and strong foundation to discern and test what we are receiving. See 2 Timothy 3:16, 17 for verification. Study John 1: 1-3 and Hebrews 1:1-3
2. Via God's Voice.
The Holy Spirit can speak directly to us with an inner voice or an external voice. The inner voice is heard within your mind while the external voice is heard physically with your ears. See John 16:13 for verification. Study 1 Samuel 3: 1-10, 1 Kings 19:12 and Isaiah 30:12.
3. Via Godly Dreams
that God uses to communicate with us. See Matthew 2:13 and how Joseph was lead by angel that appeared in a dream for verification.
4. Via Godly Visions
which can be open visions or inner visions within your spirit. Sometimes these are called trances in the scriptures. See Peter's experience in Acts 10:10 for verification.
5. Via God Given Prophecy
given through a person by the Holy Spirit. See 1 Corinthians 12: 4 - 10 for verification.
6. Via Languages of the Holy Spirit
and an interpretation given by the Holy Spirit. See 1 Corinthians 12: 4 - 10 for verification.
7. Via God's Angelic Messengers
that God sends to minister to you. See Paul's experience in Acts 27:23 for verification. Study Hebrews 1: 7.
8. Via God's Inspired Thought Patterns
that are internal but given by the Holy Spirit. See 1 Corinthians 2:13 - 16 Study also Romans 12: 1-3 and Philippians 4: 8, 9.
9. Via the Godly Counsel
of others. See how the apostles in Acts 6: 1 -7 came together for counsel to address a problem. This includes those who teach and communicate spiritual truth to us.
10. Via Open or Closed Doors
of opportunity. See Paul as he followed the leading of the Lord through an open door in Acts 16: 6 - 10.
11. Via the evidence of historical God Directed Events
either through a time of blessing or a season of judgement. See the summary of Noah's life in Hebrews 11: 7.
12. Via the Godly Experiences and Testimony
of others. See Peter's testimony before the other apostles and how that launched a whole new dimension of ministry in Acts 11: 1 -18.
13. Via Godly Supernatural Signs, Wonders and Miracles
done to meet peoples needs and lead them into relationship with God. These supernatural events confirm that God is speaking. See Mark 16: 17 - 20.
14. Via supernatural manifestations of God's Presence.
See the burning bush encounter that God engaged Moses with in Exodus chapter 3.
15. Via God's Creation.
We are told that creation itself speaks to us of God's attributes. Jesus used many spiritual parables to illustrate what God was saying and how God speaks. See Romans 1: 18 - 20.
As you journey with God be aware that He can speak to you in many ways. Primarily you should spend most of your time studying His written word. There is great wisdom written down there for your benefit. Ask Him to help you by giving you wisdom and understanding into His written word. Welcome the teaching of the Holy Spirit into your life. Ask the Holy Spirit to release His prophetic seer gifts within you in greater measure. When it comes to training and instruction He will use all of the above methods, so watch for God to speak to you through the methods listed above. Your prophetic gift will increase as you hear what God is saying as you access all His communication channels.
Keith and LaQueta Paul have many years of ministry experience. Keith is an author. They are used in the gift of prophecy, dream interpretation and words of knowledge which are gifts of the Holy Spirit. They currently live in Guelph, Ontario Canada. They have traveled internationally to exalt our Majestic King Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit. They have mentored many young people in how to live a supernatural lifestyle. To learn more, and to receive their free Prophetic Words, Dream Interpretation or purchase their E Books please explore their website. They are available for ministry at your church or conference.