Heart of our King
Feature Article

There is a growing restlessness impacting Believers in this season. Men and women are hungry for the reality of God in their lives. This hunger is a gift of grace from the Holy Spirit as He prepares the Church of Christ for the last day movements of God before His Son returns. I intentionally use the term -last day movements of God- because His work will come in increments or waves. This hunger is focused on knowing the heart of our Majestic King Jesus to the extent that we feel His joy, His compassion, His mercy and His sorrow. Knowing these attributes on a spiritual, rationale and emotional level will set the stage for His greater glory being poured out. This hunger is also focused on demonstrating the attributes of His heart before the nations. God will not only saturate His people with His Presence but will cause them to become Carriers of His Presence to impact nations. This will bring the fulfilment of His promise to flood the earth with the knowledge of His glory even as the waters cover the sea. (Hab. 2:14)
From a prophetic perspective this is what I see in the coming plans of God beginning in 2011 and beyond. There will be great last day movements that will rapidly move the Church forward in Divine increments into a spiritual maturity. This maturity level will enable it to achieve the mandate of 1 Corinthians 13:13
-Now these three remain, faith, hope and love; but the greatest of these is love.-
As these Divine increments unfold, the Church will see the complete restoration of all the ministry offices of (Ephesians 4:11) namely, the Apostles, Evangelists, the Prophets, Shepherds and Teachers. Man has already appointed and recognized these offices but God will continue to position these officers in a much more prominent way as He completely establishes Divine order. His Kingdom operates through these officers as they equip the saints for the work of His Kingdom. This will occur in the coming season. When these offices are fully operating in God given authority with miraculous power and demonstrating the attributes of His heart; it is then that the Church will begin to function in Christ like faith, Christ like hope and Christ like love. This is where God will take us as He fulfils His written Word. He has already decreed it. We need to recognize the incremental steps that lead us into what He has declared.
There is a measure or foreshadowing of this already in place, of course. However, there is coming a day when there will be such a profound Presence of the Lord residing in His people that His people do fulfil the faith, hope and love commission. Faith that will truly move man made and or demonic mountains, to bring them into alignment and submission to the mountain of God. Hope will rise within the Church to the same degree as God's hope for His creation. Divine hope within His people that looks through the eyes of God and sees His plans coming forth out of the most darkened conditions. Love expressed on a God like level, that is so genuine, pure and dynamic that it will bring multitudes to Him. This is not evident in the Church yet, but it is coming; for God is accelerating His work as He prepares the Church for greater measures of His Presence. Will there be dark conditions in 2021? Yes, there is the potential for dark days for individuals, cities and nations in 2011, but people abiding in Him will find God to be their refuge and help in the dark hours. He is a Lamp that will shed Light on everyone who turns to Him. Take courage in His promise and find shelter in Him. You will be triumphant in Him. Pray for God's grace to carry you through the shaking of the world's systems of financial, economic and regional security. Do not allow yourself to become preoccupied with rumors of wars and other international crisis. Keep focused on God and His Word.
How can you or I position our selves for greater levels of Divine Presence? The answer is to die to self and yield to the Holy Spirit. If we make that choice at the most fundamental level of our surrendered life to Him, He will take care of the rest. He is searching for candidates now whom He can use to demonstrate His Presence through; but on the level we have presented above. This is a priority with God in this hour. If you lack motivation and hunger for more, then ask Him to impart desperate hunger into your life. This gift of hunger will cause you to focus in upon Him, spend time with Him, abide in Him and walk with Him. There is a level of God likeness that is beyond our reach and all our efforts, of course. However, I believe that what I have seen in my spirit is a glimpse of what God intends to do with His people in the coming days. He has chosen you. He delights in you. He wants to take you into encounters with Him so that you become totally saturated with His Presence. He really, really does want this so do not settle for anything less than His level of purpose for you. You may never be called to be an apostle, evangelist, prophet, shepherd or teacher. Perhaps you will, only God knows His exact purpose for you. However, He does offer you regardless of your occupation the fullness of His Presence. Ask the Holy Spirit to take you deeper in and higher up. Ask Him to cause you to rise up on the wings of the eagle of Isaiah 40:31 -but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.-
The Holy Spirit can pour out such grace over you that you are enabled to run into the depths of God and be transformed. While in His Presence you will be empowered to walk forward carrying His Presence, reflecting the heart of our King.
Keith and LaQueta Paul have many years of ministry experience. Keith is an author. They are used in the gift of prophecy, dream interpretation and words of knowledge which are gifts of the Holy Spirit. They currently live in . Guelph, Ont. Canada. They have travelled internationally promoting the supernatural teachings and works of the Holy Spirit. They have mentored many young people in how to live a supernatural lifestyle. To learn more, and to receive their free Prophetic Words, Dream Interpretation or purchase their E Books please explore this website. They are available for ministry at your church or conference.
Blessings..Keith and LaQueta Paul