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Prophecy - Prevailing Prayers of the Prophet Seer

Elijah the Prophet operated under the Seer Anointing and prevailed in Prayer. At God's direction He released a famine to judge the nation. He prayed for rain to come back to the Land and then called fire down from Heaven. 1 Kings 18.

Strategically bringing Heaven's resources into the earth is one of the secrets of the Kingdom of God that is being released today. This phenomena is being exercised through the prophet and prophetess in increased measure. It is effective, dynamic, and productive. Knowing how to hear and see the purposes of God and then bring them forth is also for every believer. Activate this supernatural mandate in your life today for it is part of your inheritance.
Every born again, walking in the Holy Spirit Believer can move into this supernatural role in God's Kingdom. We need to practise prophetic lead intercession now for it will prepare us to rule and reign with Christ in the future. Let me share some of the important dynamics of this work of the Holy Spirit so you can move forward into your destiny.
Spend time in the Presence of God. Time spent in relationship with Him will bring a deep bonding with Him. This is where you learn to hear and see what He is wanting to do through you and for others. This one truth will never change: If we come near to Him, He will come near to us. If we want increased relationship and its results then spend time with Him.
Let Him lead the time you do spend with Him. You do have many admirable traits but if in any place you need to lean on Him, it is in this area. His thoughts are higher and His ways far greater than yours. If you don't follow His lead you are only getting in the way. He is Creator God . He knows how to lead you, so follow Him into the place of revelation. Take that revelation and then use His authority to spiritually birth in prayer Heavens provisions so they manifest here in the natural realm.
God has given the Believer authority through the Name of Jesus Christ. In other words God has empowered you as a Believer to intercede effectively. How is that done?
You intercede effectively by using your faith. Faith means entrusting the request into God's ability to provide. Faith brings substance to the things you expect and it manifests the evidence in the natural realm. The very thing that you see by revelation that exists in the unseen realms of God will be transferred into the seen realm if your faith is exercised. Effective intercession will also include declaring those things that are not yet manifested, as if they already are because they already do exist in God's realm.
Doing the above persistently until the answer comes is core to what prophetic intercession is about. It is a power filled secret of the Kingdom of God. Doing this type of prophetic intercession will render your prayers effective, dynamic and productive. Out of your intimate spiritual relationship with God and the revelation found there will flow supernatural provisions. Signs, wonders and supernatural displays of Gods Kingdom will come forth in great power. Impact your family, your neighbours, your city and the nations through this dynamic ministry. God has given this authority to you.
Keith and LaQueta Paul have many years of ministry experience. Keith is an author. They are used in the gift of prophecy, dream interpretation and words of knowledge which are gifts of the Holy Spirit. They currently live in Guelph, Ont. Canada. They have travelled internationally promoting the supernatural teachings and works of the Holy Spirit. They have mentored many young people in how to live a supernatural lifestyle. To learn more, and to receive their free Prophetic Words, Dream Interpretation or purchase their E Books please explore their website. They are available for ministry at your church or conference.
Prevailing Prayers of the Prophetic Seer : Keith A. Paul Permissions granted for copy Text. Website Layout all rights reserved.